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1 min read
Annie Gimbel
Jun 18, 2024
Wyoming — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has accused Dollar Tree of keeping recalled WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches on its store shelves.
The FDA sent a warning letter to the discount store chain, stating that in the weeks and months following the manufacturer’s voluntary recall, public health officials across many states reported continuing to see the recalled product at stores.
The letter said in part:
The agency is concerned with Dollar Tree’s capability to quickly remove unsafe products from its store shelves as necessary and as required during a public health threat, such as a recall.
The nationwide recall of the WanaBana purees was announced in November after the pouches were tied to dozens of cases of lead poisoning. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to negatively affect a child’s health, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Children younger than 6 years are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning is potentially fatal.
Testing revealed that the cinnamon in the pouches used in the apple cinnamon flavor was the source of the heavy metal contamination. At least 90 cases of illness linked to the pouches across 32 states were reported, according to the FDA’s latest data. Two other brands of cinnamon applesauce products, Schnucks and Weis, also tested positive for unsafe levels of lead, as well as chromium. Further FDA investigation revealed that six brands of ground cinnamon were contaminated by lead.
WanaBana complied with the FDA’s request for it to issue a voluntary recall of its cinnamon apple fruit puree pouches.
But Dollar Tree still hasn't provided the agency "with any information demonstrating that long-term, sustainable corrections were implemented," to keep tainted food from hitting shelves, the FDA said.
The discount store company does have a page on its website dedicated to current FDA recalls.
Merit Street Media has reached out to Dollar Tree for comment.