1 min read

We’re leaving behind organized religion in shocking numbers. In 1988, 17% Americans said they never attended religious services. By 2021, this almost doubled to 31%. Church membership in the US has dropped below 50% for the first time in history. Even as the population grows, somewhere between 6,000 & 10,000 churches close down every year.
We’re in a vicious cycle that’s spinning families out of control. The decline of religion’s influence on society has led to divorce & cohabitation is becoming more acceptable, which leads to fewer, later marriages. Fewer, later marriages mean fewer children. Fewer children lead to less organized religion membership & attendance, & less organized religion combined with more children of divorce means fewer marriages— around & around we go. Religion is essential if we are going to have good, decent citizens, which is essential to having a successful country. We’ll hear from local pastors who discuss the reasons behind this decline, guests who explain why they chose to leave organized religion, and a woman who strayed away from religion but found her way back.